

Orbiting the US – Changes Your Perspective of the US

The Latest from Seton Motley | Less Government | LessGovernment.org
Always Excellent Government Policy

Astronauts often speak of their perspective on Planet Earth being transformed by being on the outside of it – looking in:

“I really believe that if the political leaders of the world could see their planet from a distance of, let’s say 100,000 miles, their outlook would be fundamentally changed.”

I think a similar perspective shift occurs when one leaves the country of one’s birth – to take up residence in another.

Orbiting that country – as opposed to living in it.

Such a shift in thinking has occurred for me.

I exited the United States to live in Belize a little over fifteen months ago.

I was born in the US.  Prior to the move, I had spent a grand total of about three weeks outside the US.

My leaving, of course, demonstrates my dark, diminished perspective on the US’s prospects.

I got out – to get out from under. (more…)

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